Upgrade your leadership skills for the Senior Executive Service Leadership in the upper echelons of the APS involves much more responsibility, higher cognitive capacity, and a deeper alignment between your characteristics and the requirements of the role. You have made it this far because you have a high potential to fulfill these requirements. As you […]
Tag Archives: Masterclass
Learn how to lead at the top of your game, with tips from the top of the public sector The highest ranks of the public sector demand more from your leadership. You have more responsibility, more difficult and complex problems to solve, and you will need to have a keen sense of the distinctions between […]
All writing should be clear, concise, and correct. Good quality public sector writing should also be professional, persuasive, and polished. Public sector writing can be challenging and time-consuming. You have to contend with different audiences, rigid deadlines, and complex topics. While the basic skills of good writing are critical, you need more to meet the demands […]
Leaders come from all walks of life, but you all share the same challenge. To be effective, you need to effectively lead people. And to lead people effectively, you need to connect with them. To do so, you don’t need to be likeable, charming, or manipulative. You need to be courageous. We need leaders to embrace […]
Develop the critical skills to conduct interviews Investigative interviewing is a very useful tool in the regulator’s toolbox and can gather large amounts of admissible evidence in a short space of time. However, it is often not used due to the fear of “getting it wrong” or misapplied. This masterclass will demystify the investigative interviewing […]
Join us for a transformative two-day masterclass where you’ll explore living your truth and embracing your Warrior Heart in the world. Through storytelling, reflection, and shared vulnerability, you’ll deepen connections to yourself, your culture, and your community. This masterclass, designed for First Nations women, is about investing in your well-being to serve others from a place […]