Home Events Ending Coercive Control, Family & Domestic Violence
Ending Coercive Control, Family & Domestic Violence

Ending Coercive Control, Family & Domestic Violence

Adopting a comprehensive response to reduce coercive control and violence

System responses to family violence are often based on physical violence and are incident-based, yet we know that coercive control is based on patterns of behaviour.

To keep women and children safe, urgent shifts and action is needed, at a system and practice level, to better understand and respond to gendered violence.

This conference will provide an important platform to unite changemakers and collectively address how we can forge new pathways. We’ll focus on how to shift from incident-based responses and towards collaborative wrap-around approaches.

Connect with peers across frontline services, government, peak bodies, legal services, academia, and more to discuss the criminalisation of coercive control, whole-of-systems responses, and the prevention of violence.


Attend and learn how to

    • Strengthen & frame how we talk about & assess coercive control in practice
    • Re-think systems responses to family & domestic violence
    • Move away from incident-based responses and towards a lifespan approach to violence & coercive control
    • Ensure that practice reflects the current and emerging evidence base & legal framework on coercive control
    • Ask the right questions at the right time to assess risk & safety
    • Navigate interagency collaboration effectively
    • Instil culturally safe & inclusive practice & better support under-represented communities
    • Effectively prevent & respond to intimate partner violence
    • Centre the voices of children in responses to violence
    • Connect with culturally responsive practice & learn from First Nations and CALD perspectives, voices, lived experiences, & expertise


Who will attend 


Relevant for representatives from the NGO Community, ACCOS, Government, Police & Justice sectors, with roles & responsibilities including:


  • Family & Domestic Violence Services
  • Intimate Partner & Sexual Assault Services
  • Women’s Services, Shelters & Refuges
  • Children’s Services & Child Protection
  • Men’s Behaviour Change
  • CALD, Refugee, Migrant & Immigration Services
  • Alcohol & Other Drugs
  • Legislative Change & Reform of Family Law
  • Healing, Recovery, & Therapeutic Services



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